
"A man's home may seem to be his castle on the outside; inside, it is more often his nursery" - Clare Boothe Luce

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Laughter is the Best!

 Gavin has become quite the character recently. He enjoys doing things I tell him not to do like, "don't put your foot in your mouth when I'm trying to feed you", "don't kick me", "don't pee on me", etc. He loves laughing when I take his diaper off and he just LOVES Prints! He laughs at Prints all the time. Sometimes Prints is the only solution to get him to stop crying. I will cradle Gavin in my arms face down like an airplane and chase Prints and Gavin just laughs and laughs. Tonight, after bath time and getting his bottle, I had Gavin sitting up to burp and Prints came in the room and sneezed and Gavin laughed at him. It's too cute. Here are some recent pictures of Gavin, myself and Prints.

Thinking about rolling over... but doesn't

 Gavin drooling on the guest bed ;)

Mad at mom

Watching Prints eat his toy

 Oops! It's upside down!

I had to include one of Gavin's notorious shocked pictures


We don't have enough pictures of just me and Gavin....

So here are some sans make up ;)

"I will beat anyone up who messes with my mama!"

Gavin sitting on his own (He sat long enough for me to go out of the room, get the camera and come back and take this shot...then he fell over)

 Gavin was in my lap watching me take Prints' picture

Gavin took this one himself! Look at Prints posing! haha

Prints <3

That's our Prints!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

4 Months Already!?

We took Gavin to his 4 month doctor appointment today for some shots :(  He weighed in at 17.4lbs (89th percentile) and 26inches (85th percentile). Overall he is healthy and even advanced, doing things at a 6 month olds pace!

Since October 17th (Aunt Jamie's birthday), Gavin has been a rolling machine! There is no putting him on the couch and walking away anymore but I guess it was bound to happen sometime. We have been feeding him carrots, peas, green beans, bananas, apples and peaches. He likes all of them for the most part except the peaches. We haven't tried those again but he would only eat them mixed in the rice cereal.

As of yesterday, Gavin also has learned how to stick his feet in his mouth. He hasn't sucked his thumb yet (still  just his fingers) but he has sucked his big toe! 

Random pictures of Gavin...

 We recently hiked down the side of the dam through the trees and came out on the access road and walked home on 306 (though our backyard). It was fun and Gavin stayed awake the whole time. Gavin now enjoys Prints more. He will look for him and laugh at him. His laugh is so contagious. We (Gavin and I) will be taking our first airplane trip at the beginning of December. We have decided not to get him a Halloween costume and will not be participating in Halloween this year.

Stay tuned for up coming events! We will be taking Gavin for his first haircut here soon...as soon as I can find a place around here that is close that will do it for cheap. This long hair thing has been here long enough!!  I think that is all the news updates we have now.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Food fight!

Recently, Gavin has started screaming...not crying, screaming. Like, a high pitched scream once in a while. Also he has done a few roll overs (front to back) and has become more vocal in other ways. He likes to grunt now out of frustration it sounds like... but it's usually a lot of grunting and I'm not sure what can be so frustrating at his age. I am hoping he is just trying to "find his voice." We also bought him a baby gym and he loves to pull on the rings and attachments to make the music come on. He has pulled the rings off several times now and also uses his feet to grab onto the rings while he chews on other toys.

Today, Gavin had his first taste of baby food. We chose some carrots to begin with and it turned out pretty good. He didn't really know what to do with the food at first but by a few bites of it he was actually helping feed himself. Once we started realizing how the carrots and the white pj's would clash- we disrobed him the best we could without taking him out of the seat. Needless to say, the carrots did still get on the pj's but washed right out. I'm sure Gavin will enjoy tasting the green beens, peaches and bananas we have waiting for another day.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Making Progress

Recently, we have been working on getting our family room cleaned out. We still had all our boxes and things from June when we did the final move after Gavin was born so we finally have been able to get that all cleared out and ready for CABLE! Only after waiting 3 months we will be getting Dish. We are so excited; we basically are planning to stay up all night Tuesday watching tv. This is going to be short because it is late due to our really long walks lately in which I plan to update you all on in my next blog with some new pictures but here are some pictures of what the family room looks like now (we still have some changes to make in decorations):
Mounted the TV

Moved the cage

Prints' couch
This is just a dining room shot for those who haven't been down here

Living room shot (along with ghostly orbs!Ahhhh!!!!)

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Today Gavin and I ventured off on our own for an entire day in the city. I had a doctor's appointment in Kyle and Brandon took an overtime shift so it was just me and Gavin. I learned a new thing about multi-tasking today (laughing). We survived the doctor's appointment and headed off to Austin to visit Consort. We spent 3.5 hours there!!! Yeah I know...why? I don't know. There were a lot of people wanting to see Gavin and so it took a long time- plus feeding and things- it made for a long day. 

We didn't get our morning nap (2 hours) so he only slept the 15 min I was in the shower and 30 min to the doctor and then 20 min to Austin. Then, the afternoon nap was more like 20 min. cat nap before Enrique's phone went off and woke Gavin up...then he ate again and started to fall asleep so we left. He napped all the way home from Austin and then was up again and cranky and then napped for an hour from 6-7pm when I woke him up and he was very unhappy. That totals about 3.5 hours out of his 5 hours required.

With all this non-napping and him falling asleep at the bottle after his bath, I assumed he would be easily asleep. Well you know what they say about assuming things. After about an hour of playing the "lets see if this blanket will stay on my legs if I kick them up in the air a bunch of times" game and the   "yes I want the pacifier-then I will pull it out and throw it- then I cry because I want it back" game... we played a new game- the "Ok, here's the deal- I will keep the pacifier in my mouth but first you must fluff my blanket and roll it up so I am on my side and then I will play with my hair on the back of my head while sucking my pacifier BUT you must let me hold your hand with my free hand (or else I will rip my pacifier out and we will have to start over)." All I can think is "WHATS NEXT?!" I was able to sneak out after a few minutes but seriously...holding hands now? What is this bedtime routine coming to? 

We took the camera to the dam the other day after it rained and took some pictures... 

Here are some random pictures of Gavin after walking....(his hair is all crazy because I pulled his shirt off and it stuck that way)